Friday, August 14, 2020

What's I've Been Up Too

Tap here to go to Instagram page

So I haven't posted here for a couple weeks, so I figured I should fill you in with what I've been up to. I'm proud to say that I'm working on a new Instagram page, so i've been putting a lot of effort into getting that up and running. It's going to be a daily "today in music" kind of thing, so if you're into that, go give it a follow. I have something fun planned for all of next week, so you don't wanna miss out! As for the blog, I'm going to keep posting here, but it may be a bit more infrequent. I want to post the best material, so I want to take the time to make sure that what I post in really presentable. So go check out the new Insta page, thanks for reading, and party on dudes!

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What's I've Been Up Too

Tap here to go to Instagram page So I haven't posted here for a couple weeks, so I figured I should fill you in with what I&#...